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+(202) 26588131(COAE) is a competent and impartial conformity assessment body that operates under ISO/IEC 17065 and contributes to the sustainable development of organic and Biodynamic production in Egypt and Africa based on the organic agriculture laws and regulations e.g. (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018, Egyptian organic Law, Economic of Love standards and Demeter international standards..etc.
Work to implement the various standards and laws of organic\ biodynamic agriculture and sustainable development (Egyptian Law No. 12 of 2020) and European Union Law No. 834/2007
Registration, inspection, certification and follow-up of farms, processing and packaging units, and factories that produce, trade their products with the private and general rules regulating this.
Cooperating with local, regional and international organizations that play a major role in granting the center accreditation for certification, monitoring and auditing.
Informing individuals in general of the concepts of the philosophy of organic agriculture with different methods and laws and its player's role in sustainable development.
Disseminating the concept, philosophy and practice of organic agriculture among the various groups in the agricultural sector and organizing training and awareness activities in the fields.
Center Of Organic Agriculture In Egypt
05 Sep, 23
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